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Heart of Darkness: Theme of Isolation

Heart of Darkness has a multiplicity of themes interwoven closely and produces a unified pattern. The theme of isolation and its consequences constitute a theme in this book, though a minor one. Marlow and Mr. Kurtz illustrate this theme, dominate the novel and have symbolic roles. Both these men stand for much more than the..

Structure Of “Waiting For Godot”

“Waiting for Godot” is not a play to which traditional ideas of plot, action, structure etc. do apply. To a certain extent, Beckett has deliberately discarded or parodied such conventions. There is double-structure in “Waiting for Godot” linear and cynical. The structural devices can be seen in dialogues, characterization and bringing out of the themes…

Yeats as a Modern Poet

William Butler Yeats was one of the modern poets, who influenced his contemporaries as well as successors. By nature he was a dreamer, a thinker, who fell under the spell of the folk-lore and the superstitions of the Irish peasantry. He felt himself a stranger in the world of technology and rationalism. He is a..

The Wild Duck: Title

“The wild Duck” as a title is most apt for this play because it gives us a definite clue to the major theme of the play – the value of illusions in the average man’s life. The wild duck is a precise and an all-important symbol. The wild duck symbolizes the life of Hjalmar and..

Francis Bacon – A Moralist

Bacon is not a true moralist. His morality is a saleable morality. He is a moralist-cum-worldly wise man. Bacon appears as a moralist in his essays, for he preaches high moral principles and lays down valuable guidelines for human conduct. Some of his essays show him as a true lover and preacher of high ethical..

Robert Frost’s Theme of Isolation

One of the most striking themes of Robert Frost is man’s isolation in the universe or man’s sense of alienation from his environment. There is in Frost’s poetry a curious anti-social quality, far from Whitman’s dear love of comrades. 5 (1 ratings) You must sign in to vote

Shelley – A Revolutionary Poet

Shelley was a true-born child of the French Revolution. The spirits of that revolution found its expression in Shelley’s poetry. But as a critic observes: 5 (1 ratings) You must sign in to vote

John Donne a Metaphysical Poet

Dryden once remarked: Donne affects metaphysics not only in his satires but in amorous verses, too, where nature only should reign. Though Donne was influenced by the sixteenth and the seventeenth century poets, yet he did not tread on the beaten track. His concept of poetry was unconventional. In his poetry, intellect takes the form,..

Hemingway and “The Generation Lost”

Hemingway made the term “The Generation Lost” popular in his novel “The Sun Also Rises” which he took from American poet Gertrude Stein. 4.1 (350 ratings) You must sign in to vote

Pride and Prejudice: A Novel With Limited Range

Jane Austen confines her creative activity to the depiction of whatever fell within her range of personal experience. While her range of observation in life is not so wide her work has been variously called as the “Two inches of ivory” and “three or four families”. All these titles exhibit the excellence as well as..

S. T. Coleridge: Function of Poetry

Coleridge poses numerous questions regarding the nature and function of poetry and then answers them. He also examines the ways in which poetry differs from other kinds of artistic activity, and the role and significance of metre as an essential and significant part of a poem. 0 (0 ratings) You must sign in to vote

Keats’ Concept of Beauty

Keats was considerably influenced by Spenser and was, like Spenser, a passionate lover of beauty in all its forms and manifestations. The passion of beauty constitutes his aestheticism. Beauty was his pole star, beauty in nature, in woman and in art. 5 (1 ratings) You must sign in to vote