English Literature » Notes » Merchant of Venice: Shylock More Sinned Against Than Sinning
Shylock in Merchant of Venice

Merchant of Venice: Shylock More Sinned Against Than Sinning

Many different views can be taken on the Jewish merchant Shylock in the play The Merchant of Venice written by William Shakespeare. Although when taking into account the many trials and tribulations that Shylock had to endure, it is forthcoming to say that Shylock was more sinned against than sinning. There are key and defining moments in this play when it becomes more apparent as to why Shylock is acting out against Antonio. From early on when Antonio goes to Shylock, the audience is notified of the distaste Antonio has for Shylock.

On top of this, the treatment of him after he loses his daughter to the one thing he hates more than Antonio, his beliefs, coupled with the manner in which he was forced to become a Christian and join those who continually oppressed him is enough evidence to suggest he was more sinned against. Yet this journey of Shylock’s fall all began with Antonio who through his mistreatment of Shylock spurred him on to rebel against the Christians by seeking revenge on Antonio. Hate is a strong motivation. A force that at the worst of times is as strong as any other humanly passion; love, anger and rage.

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